
(129)Multinational Corporations Spread Deviant Culture

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In 2016, a large global chain retailer announced that the locker rooms and restrooms in the store would be “friendly to transgender people”

State Of Mankind - How Much Do You Know?

Excerpts from "How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World"


(129)Multinational Corporations Spread Deviant Culture


Under the conditions of globalization, mutual respect and tolerance of different national cultures has become mainstream. Communism has used this to arbitrarily expand the concept of tolerance and make value neutrality a “global consensus,” thereby advocating deviant ideas. In particular, homosexuality and sexual liberation have developed rapidly through globalization, seriously impacting and corroding the moral values of traditional society.

In 2016, a large global chain retailer announced that the locker rooms and restrooms in the store would be “friendly to transgender people,” meaning that any man could enter women’s restrooms or locker rooms at will because he could claim that he was actually a woman. The American Family Association called on consumers to boycott the company because of the harm the policy could bring to women and children. Indeed, in 2018, a man entered the store’s women’s bathroom and exposed himself to a young girl.

Amid resistance by consumers who obey traditional values, journalists tallied up the hundreds of large multinational companies that have obtained full scores on the Corporate Equality Index (a measure of attitudes toward LGBTQ issues) and found that the companies with the same policies as the chain store covered all aspects of ordinary people’s lives, making a boycott unrealistic. The companies covered almost all major airlines, major brand-name auto factories, chain fast-food restaurants, coffee shops, major department stores, banks, major film-production companies, mobile phone and computer companies, and so on. These values have become ubiquitous and mainstream through globalization via the corporate culture of multinational corporations.

From Chapter Seventeen: Globalization: Communism at Its Core

关键字:  State   Of   Mankind
